4 Indicators that You Need to Pump Your Septic System

The septic tank is a crucial component of the home's drainage and waste management system. It is a reservoir for all the grey and black water that leaves the house. It also facilitates the treatment and recycling of the water and breaks down the solid waste into something you can safely dispose of in the environment. However, with time and poor maintenance, some systems break down. You should know when your system is breaking down for immediate repair. Here are four ways to tell.

The Grass Health Is Excellent

The status of the grass in a drain field might indicate problems. Lush and thick patches show that the area is getting an unusual amount of fertiliser from leaked sewage. Call the maintenance and pumping services once you notice this sign of trouble with your system.

Your Yard Has Pools of Water 

The first sign that all might not be well with your septic system is pools of water. You might notice patches of the lawn that are constantly wet. They indicate that water is not draining properly from the tank or that the tank is full. You should call professionals to inspect the reservoir and determine what might have stopped effortless water movement through the system. The experts offer solutions like pumping and cleaning. 

It Smells Awful in the Outdoors

The smell is another way to tell that you need to pump your system. Typically, you don't get any odours from the sewer system when it is working unless you open the tank. The presence of foul smells often indicates the decomposition process has stopped. When the process stops, the waste accumulates and gases back up into the home and outdoors. Call the experts to clean the tank and introduce bacteria to restore the natural decomposition process. 

The Plumbing Is Not Working

Drain behaviour can also be a sign that all is not well with the septic system. The water should move out of your house, into the septic system and then to the drain field when the entire system is working. However, when the system stops functioning, the system fills up, and water from the home doesn't have a reservoir to occupy. It is time to assess the reservoir if you have slow drains and have ruled out a clog.

Speak to a septic system service to help resolve these and other issues with your tank. Processes like pumping, cleaning and re-establishing the aerobic bacteria decomposition restore the tank's efficiency.  
